Full Results of Our 2014 Toni’s Kitchen Guest Survey





Male 68%

Female 32%



16 and under 0%

16-20 0%

21-40 3%

41-54 44%

55-70 44%

70 and over 9%


With regard to lodging, do you:

Rent? 51%

Own? 13%

Stay with someone? 13%

Stay in a shelter? 13%

None of the above? 11%


As of today, do you have a place to stay?

Yes 82%

No 18%


How many people live in your household?

One 53%

Two 21%

Three or more 26%


What is the highest level of education have you completed?

Elementary 0%

GED 6%

Some high school 2%

High School 30%

Some College 32%

College 23%

Graduate School 2%


On average, how often do you come to Toni’s Kitchen?

4 times a week 21%

1-3 time a week 68%

1 or 2 times a month 9%

1 or 2 times a year 2%


Is this your first time at Toni’s Kitchen?

Yes 0%

No 100%


What is the biggest challenge for you in preparing a meal for yourself? (check all that apply)

Disability 10%


Access to a Stove 18%

Access to a Refrigerator 12%

Lack of Time 7%

Other 7%


When you are NOT at Toni’s Kitchen, how often do you eat fruits and vegetables?

3 times a day 9%

1-2 times a day 29%

Less than daily 62%


What did you have for breakfast this morning?

See list of responses below.


I did not have breakfast this morning 38%


What did you have for dinner last night?

See list of responses below.


I did not have dinner last night 26%


Have you ever been told to follow any of these diets?  (choose as many as apply)

Low Salt 36%

Low Fat17%

Low Sugar 28%

Low Calorie for Weight Reduction 17%

Other 0%

None 43%


Are you satisfied with the sizes of the portions served at Toni’s Kitchen?

Yes 98%

No 2%


Have you ever been diagnosed with any of the following health problems? (check all that apply)

Diabetes 19%

High Blood Pressure 45%

Hepatitis A or B

Hepatitis C

Heart Disease 2%

Arthritis 13%

Other 23%

None 34%


What kind of health insurance do you have?

None 17%

Medicaid 19%

Medicare 38%

Through the Affordable Care Act 21%

Through an Employer 2%

V.A.  2%


Did you know that Toni’s Kitchen works with the Essex County Mental Health Association to assist guests with emotional counseling, etc.?  

Yes 72%

No 21%

I have used these services 6%


Have you ever talked with Konstantin Kadomskiy from “Whole Health” about social, housing, financial or other personal issues?

Yes 36%

No 64%


If you answered “no” to the last question, would you like to talk with Konstantin?

Yes 40%

No 57%

Not at this time 3%


Toni’s Kitchen offers a medical clinic (UHIP) once a month.  Have you used the clinic?

Yes 26%

No 74%


Would you use the UHIP clinic if you were having a health problem?   

Yes 58%

No (I have my own doctor) 33%

No (I would not use UHIP) 10%


When you need to see a doctor, how do you obtain medical care?                         

Clinic Visit 16%

Emergency Room 30%

Private Doctor 40%

Other 12%

V.A.   2%


Can you tell us why you come to Toni’s Kitchen? (check all that apply)

For Food 89%

For Hospitality 49%

For Health Services 19%

For Clothing 28%

Other (including music, fellowship, sense of community) 19%

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