Toni’s Kitchen Survey–Full Results



Characteristic No. % Description of “Other” answers
Is this your first time at Toni’s Kitchen?
No 100 93.5
Yes 7 6.5
How often do you come to Toni’s Kitchen?
1-2 times per year 2 1.9
1-2 times per month 13 12.4
1-3 times per week 61 58.1
4 times per week 27 25.7
Other 2 1.9 (2-4 times per week; This is my first time here)
What days of the week do you most often come to Toni’s Kitchen?
Thursdays 59 55.1
Fridays 69 64.5
Saturdays 71 66.4
Sundays 54 50.5
Are you satisfied with the portion sizes at Toni’s Kitchen?
No 7 6.7
Yes 98 93.3
What brings you to Toni’s Kitchen?
Food 97 90.6
To see friends and/or socialize 54 50.5
Health services 36 33.6
Clothing 42 39.2
Other 11 10.3 Confidence, faith; Love the atmosphere; Love to come here; Music, distribution of goods, news; My mother; Pantry items; Respite from caregiving, no oven, lack of money to buy food; Second Time Around shop; Spread his love, his joy, his peace; The takeaway vegetables and fruit
Which of the below offered at Toni’s have you used in the last 6 months?
Blood pressure screening 49 45.8
Diabetes screening 25 23.4
One-on-one counseling services 12 11.2
Zufall dental van 8 7.5
Registration help for food stamps 8 7.5
Registration help for other social services 9 8.4 Asked Zsophia for help with insurance; psychologist
Other 5 4.7 Clothing, food, pantry items; dental screening; help with housing; I come on my own; mental health
Have you ever worked with Zsophia or Konstantin in the Whole Health program?
No 85 82.5
Yes 18 17.5
Have you ever used any of the below?
Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program/Food stamps 39 37.1
Women Infants and Children Food and Nutrition Service/WIC 4 3.8
Public assistance and welfare benefits 21 20.0
Other services 6 5.7 Help with housing and social services; Housing; Mental health; SSR benefit, EBT
Guest has ever been diagnosed with any of the following
Diabetes 13 12.4
Kidney disease 5 4.8
Stroke 2 1.9
Tuberculosis 2 1.9
Heart attack 1 1.0
Asthma 8 7.6
Eye problems 19 18.1
High blood pressure 36 34.3
Hepatitis 3 2.9 2 = Hepatitis C, 1 = Hepatitis A
Depression 30 28.6
Anxiety 25 23.8
Coronary artery disease 1 1.0
Congestive heart failure 1 1.0
Emphysema 1 1.0
Cancer 3 2.9 2 = Breast
Other 9 8.6 allergies; epilepsy; gout; high cholesterol; PTSD; prediabetes; sleep, heart palpitations; thyroid low
What type of health insurance do you have?
No insurance 21 20.0
Medicaid 36 34.3
Medicare 39 37.1
Coverage through the Affordable Care Act 7 6.7
Coverage through an employer 3 2.9
Don’t know/not sure 1 1.0
Other 7 6.7 AARP, AIG low cost, Aetna, BC/BS, Charity care, Covered through Veterans’ Administration, Horizon, NJ Family Care
When you need to see a doctor, how do you obtain medical care?
Walk-in clinic 31 29.5
Emergency room 29 27.6
Private doctor 50 47.6
Other 8 7.6 Doctor in Medicaid system; Don’t go to doctors; Do not go currently – lack of money; Looking for a doctor at the moment; VA Hospital, East Orange; VA healthcare system; Veteran’s Hospital
During the last week, how many days did you do physical activity or a leisure sport or participate in acitivty that made you breather harder than normal?
0 days 20 19.6
1 day 6 5.9
2 days 16 15.7
3 days 21 20.6
4 days 9 8.8
5 days 7 6.9
6 or more days 23 22.6
Did you eat dinner last night?
No 26 25.0
Yes 78 75.0
Did you eat breakfast this morning?
No 49 47.1
Yes 55 52.9
When you are not at Toni’s Kitchen, how often do you eat fruits?
Never 7 6.8
A few times per day 40 38.8
A few times per month 41 39.8
A few times per year 2 1.9
Don’t know/not sure 13 12.6
When you are not at Toni’s Kitchen, how often do you eat green salad?
Never 6 5.8
A few times per day 41 39.4
A few times per month 44 42.3
A few times per year 5 4.8
Don’t know/not sure 5 4.8
3 2.9
Not counting potatoes or green salad, how many servings of vegetables do you usually eat?
None 5 4.9
A few servings per day 49 48.5
A few servings per month 33 32.7
A few servings per year 4 4.0
Don’t know/not sure 10 9.9
When you are not at Toni’s Kitchen, how often do you eat protein foods?
Never 1 1.0
A few times per day 50 49.0
A few times per month 40 39.2
A few times per year 2 2.0
Don’t know/not sure 9 8.8
Have you ever been instructed to follow any of the below diets?
Low salt 47 44.8
Low fat 24 22.9
Low sugar 30 28.6
Low calorie for weight reduction 20 19.0
Other diet 4 4.8 Allergic to some things: nuts and cheese; Allergies to grains; High protein diet; Kidney diet; Pescatarian
Male 63 60.0
Female 42 40.0
Age (yrs)
< 16 0
16-20 2 2.2
21-40 15 16.8
41-54 21 23.6
55-70 46 51.7
>70 5 5.6
What is your current relationship status?
Never married 53 51.5
Now married 3 2.9
In a relationship 14 13.6
Separated 6 5.8
Divorced 20 19.4
Widowed 7 6.8
Did you attend Montclair Public Schools as a child?
No 84 81.6
Yes 19 18.4
What is your highest level of education attained?
Up to and including 8th grade 5 4.9
Some high school, no diploma 6 5.9
High school graduate, diploma, or the equivalent (e.g. GED) 30 29.4
Some college credit, no degree 32 31.4
College graduate, Bachelor’s degree 18 17.6
Master’s degree 6 5.9
Doctoral degree 0 0
Other professional degree 5 4.9
Are you currently…? (employment status)
Employed for wages 19 18.3
Self-employed 14 13.5
Out of work and looking for work 28 26.9
Out of work but not currently looking for work 7 6.7
A homemaker 1 1.0
A student 1 1.0
Retired 14 13.5
Unable to work 17 16.3
A student and out of work and looking for work 1 1.0
Retired and unable to work 2 1.9
White 54 52.9
Black 37 36.3
Asian 3 2.9
American Indian or Alaskan Native 3 2.9
Other race 9 8.8 Hispanic; Latino; Mix; Mixed; Mixed, many races; Puerto Rican
Are you of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?
No 78 84.8
Yes 14 15.2
Is there a skill or topic you would like to learn more about?
No 44 44.4
Yes 55 55.6
Is there a regular job or task that you need help with?
No 75 77.3
Yes 22 22.7
With respect to housing, do you…?
Rent 54 53.5
Own 3 3.0
Stay with someone 24 23.8
Stay in a shelter 11 10.9
Other 9 8.9 Boarding home; Homeless;  Housing is not stable; Live alone/room; Section 8; Shelter – 2 per room – Cornerstone
Including you, how many people live in your household?
One 48 56.5
Two 19 22.3
Three 8 9.4
Four or more 10 11.8
Including you, how many adults and children live in your household?
One 52 59.1
Two 22 25.0
Three 5 5.7
Four or more 9 10.2
None 80 92.0
One 6 6.9
Two 1 1.1
Do you have access to a stove?
No 31 31.0
Yes 69 69.0
Do you have access to a refrigerator?
No 19 20.0
Yes 76 80.0
My life is organized
Strongly disagree 10 10.0
Disagree 22 22.0
Unsure 14 14.0
Agree 32 32.0
Strongly agree 22 22.0
My life is unstable
Strongly disagree 21 21.4
Disagree 20 20.4
Unsure 12 12.2
Agree 35 35.7
Strongly agree 10 10.2
My routine is the same from week to week
Strongly disagree 4 4.1
Disagree 17 17.4
Unsure 9 9.2
Agree 46 46.9
Strongly agree 22 22.4
My daily acitivites from week to week are unpredictable
Strongly disagree 10 10.2
Disagree 28 28.6
Unsure 14 14.3
Agree 35 35.7
Strongly agree 11 11.2
Keeping a schedule is difficult for me
Strongly disagree 14 14.0
Disagree 34 34.0
Unsure 12 12.0
Agree 29 29.0
Strongly agree 11 11.0
I do not like to make appointments too far in advance because I do not know what might come up
Strongly disagree 13 13.4
Disagree 24 24.7
Unsure 15 15.5
Agree 34 35.0
Strongly agree 11 11.3
What is your greatest joy in life? Being able to having flexibility; Being alive; Being alive and dog; Being left alone; Birth of my children; Church; Church activity; Creating things; Dead; Do unto others like I’ve them do unto me and reaching out towards greatest enactment; Faith and work; Family, friends, money, happiness; Finding peace of mind, my health; Finish the studies and research I have studied as a New Year resolution; Food; Sleep; Food, time for social activities, sleep; Free; God and church; Helping other human beings; Helping others, making a difference; Holding my dog; I like to read, be by myself to get peace and quiet; Jesus; Jesus Christ; Kids; Learning new things; Life; Life itself; Listening to music and eating; Living; Living a happy and healthy and collecting money that I’m supposed to; Living, bible study, exercise; Make people happy; Meeting new people; Meeting new people, making friends, making people laugh; Movies; Music; Music, friends, various activities, shows, visiting public attractions; Music, singing; Music, sports, visit family; Music, talking to poor people/lower class,  working, adventuring; My child and my two dogs; My creativity (art/writing); My dog, my niece and nephew; My family and pets; My family beautiful; My freedom, my health; My kids; My kids and my health; My man; My son; My son and memories  of all my family times; No joy in life; None; Nothing; People; Personal; Play basketball; Playing golf; Sobriety; Spending time with my friends and my cats; Succeeding with my objectives; Talking to people; Tennis, Toni’s Kitchen; The accomplishing dreams; There isn’t, except talking to my doctor, the people I loved the most are all dead; Travel; Traveling; Unsure; Using the restroom; Wake up and ???; Waking up every day; Walking on a beach, being in nature; Walking outside in East Orange and Montclair; Weather when nice; Working for the Lord – helping others (my mother); Working to the best of my ability in accordance with my talents; Working with children, help giving out food and clothing to many families;  Worship, family and traveling;  Yard work
What is your greatest fear in life? Age; Bad health; Bad money; Be sick; Being alone; Being alone for the rest of my life: Being attacked; Being homeless; Being homeless again or losing a loved one or friend; Being left alone; Can’t answer; Children and grandchildren; Death; Death, dogs; Declining health; Die; Dying; Everyone not helping me when I need it the most and being ignored/forgotten about; Fear; Finding a job and home; Future; Getting sick and dying alone; Health; Homelessness; Homelessness, no friends; I fear not because the lord is with me always; Life; Losing my man; Maintaining good health; Money; My health; My health issues; My kids; My loved one leaving me; N/A; No money; None; None – I have the love of God with me ; None- anything possible in god’s time – balance!; Not accomplish life goals; Not being able to provide for my family; Not being able to succeed with my dreams; Not being able to support myself for the rest of my life; Not being healthy and being able to get around like I’m used to not collecting money that’s mine; Not enough money; Not finishing something I started ; Not getting better;  Not having a place and love ; Not having enough money for basic needs; Not having enough money to live well in retirement;  Not having enough money to retire; Not succeeding in life; Not sure;  Not to be able to walk; Outliving money; Pay my bills since I lost my husband very tough; Property damage, paying fines, paying taxes, going to court, being flim-flammed (theft of services); Relapsing;  Safety of my loved ones; Sometimes I worry about my sanity, but I start praying; Surviving to supply employment;  That my life is going to stay in the spot and not get any better!; To have to live under the bridge; To not please Allah the best of my ability; Trump, climate change, and nuclear energy; Unknown; Unsure; Victim of armed robbery/assault
Within the past 12 months, I worried that my food would run out before I had the money to buy more
Agree 42 42.9
Disagree 56 57.1
Within the past 12 months, the food I bought just didn’t last and I didn’t have the money to get more
Agree 42 44.2
Disagree 53 55.8
During the past month, have you often felt bothered by feeling down, depressed, or hopeless?
No 44 46.8
Yes 50 53.2
During the past month, have you often been bothered by little interest or pleasure in doing things?
No 56 58.3
Yes 40 41.7