Donate Money

When you donate to Toni’s Kitchen, we use your generous gift to buy food and supplies for our kitchen. We also use financial gifts to purchase such kitchen equipment as dishwasher soap, utensils, cleaning products, garbage bags, and other items.

Your tax-deductible donation to Toni’s Kitchen goes a long way:

  • $10 buys one week of homemade organic chicken stock
  • $25 buys vegetable seedlings for a row in the Toni’s Kitchen garden
  • $50 buys seven full meals that include fresh produce, high quality protein, and whole grains
  • $100 buys essential tools like cooking pans and commercial blenders to help prepare our meals
  • $500 buys one year of dishwasher suppliies

Click here to donate using a credit card.


Alternately, checks can be sent to:


Toni’s Kitchen

St Luke’s Episcopal Church

73 South Fullerton Avenue

Montclair, NJ 07042


We thank you for your continued and generous support!

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